Thursday, August 7, 2008



Roleff, Tamara. (2002) What Encourages Gang Behavior? San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press

Kinnear, Karen. (1996) Gangs: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Inc.

Elder, Larry. (2001) Gangs-Society Fault? Sept 6, 2001

Recommendation proposal

To: Members of the Harlingen Police Juvenile and Gang Task Force
From: Jared Young, TSTC Student
Date: July 27, 2008
Subject: Recommendation Report Concerning Recent Gang Activity

Enclosed is a formal report based on the recent surge of gang activity in or around the Harlingen area. The report also presents recommendations and options in addressing the illegal and violent activities of area gangs.

It is of great concern to the community that some form of action be taken to combat this recent growing problem. It is my hope that the recommendations made in this report will be implemented and used to deter future gang related activity. Please feel free to contact me about any aspect of this report. I can be reached by phone at (956)454-5314 or by e-mail at

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Proposal for Recommendation Report

To: George Mcshan

From: Jared Young

Date: July 20, 2008

Re: Recommendations on how to control the recent rise in gang activity

I am writing to you to ask your permission on doing a formal report on various ways to decrease recent gang activity that has been plaguing the Harlingen area lately. This report would be based on research done by me using recent articles in local newspapers, the Internet, and magazines.

The Harlingen area has seen a major surge as of late concerning gang activity. My report will be researching the best practices for addressing juvenile crime and gang violence.

The following is a list of recommendations that will be detailed and discussed on how to deal with this growing problem.

  1. Improving local law enforcement
  2. Including the local community in more decisions on what proper tactics to use
  3. Having more youth oriented programs aimed at under-privileged teens, which are the main targets of gang recruitment
  4. Educating youth of the dangers of gang activity at a earlier age
  5. Implement harsher penalties for repeat offenders and offer programs to deter repeat offenders while incarcerated

Thank you so much for your time and consideration concerning this issue. These are only a few of the many options that can help in decreasing the ongoing problem related to gang activity. With this report, I hope to highlight several different options to help fight this growing problem.

This project-report will be completed at no cost to you. This project-report should also be completed by July 27, 2008. I will be doing the research for this report with a desktop computer and resources provided by the local library.

Once again, I would like to thank you for your time. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (956) 454-5314 or by e-mail at


Jared Young

Friday, July 18, 2008

Reflect on Instructions and Usability

1.What did you find was easiest about doing the usability test? I believe that the actual preperation of the enchiladas was the easiest thing in the test.

2.What did you find was missing in your test? I found nothing missing.

3.What did you learn about your instructions form the test? I learned how to prepare a dish that I had no idea how to prepare at the start of the instructions. I also learned that every step should be explained thoroughly. You have to look at it from the someone point of view that has no idea what they are doing.

4.Did you find the test valuable? Why or why not? I don't think the test was that valuable because the instructions were so clear and precise to follow that the test seemed redundant.

5.What changes did you make to your instructions after user testing them? Did the results of usability testing surprise you? No changes were made after the test. No

6.Comment on working collaboratively? How was this similar, different, easier, more difficult than other projects you have completed on your own? I really enjoyed working with Cynthia, she seems to be a very intelligent young lady and was eager to help me with any problem that occurred. I would say that this was a little more difficult than other projects because hers and my schedule conflicted so that it was hard to get together a lot of the times.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Main sections in Recommendation Report

  1. Introduction- states what the report is about and gives a brief overview

2. Technical background- explains the technical aspects of items that will be discussed in report

3. Background on the situation- Discusses the problems,needs or the opportunity brought about by this report

4. Requirements and criteria- Discusses the requirements you will use to reach the final decision or conclusion.

5.Discussion of the options-Explain how you narrowed the choices down to the one you reported on

6.Category by Category comparisons-very important, this is where you compare the options of what you are reporting on.

7.Conclusion- where you restate what the outcome of your comparison section.

8.Recommendation- States your recommendation

Monday, July 14, 2008

Usability Test -Questionnaire for subjects

1. Why did you decide to take this test?

To learn how to prepare a new item to prepare for dinner.

2. Were the instructions precise and detailed in order to accomplish the task?

Everything was explained so that someone who had no experience cooking would have no problem with the instructions.

3. Were all the supplies needed stated in the instructions?
Yes, everything that was needed was told in the instructions

4. Was the terminology used in the instructions easy to understandable? Yes they were easy to understand.

5. Did the test provide the user with any warnings that could be helpful? Yes but it was common knowledge.

6.Was the test completed by the time stated in the instructions? Yes, the time was precise.

7. What was the reaction of the subject towards the questionnaire? The reaction was fine, the subject was expecting to fill out a questionnaire.

8. How long did it take the subject to fill out the questionnaire? Ten minutes maximum.

9. Did the questionnaire pose any problems being filled out. No one seem to have any problem.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Project goals

1.What are the goals of your instructions? The goal of the instructions was to teach the reader the proper procedure on making enchiladas.

2.How are they useful or beneficial to the user? What do users want or need to do? They would be useful in making a dinner for yourself and family. The user would need to want to learn how to prepare enchiladas.

3.What is the general background of the users? The users background could be a wide array of options. Chefs, mothers, students, or anyone who desires to learn how to prepare a new dish.

4.What is the context in which the user is working? The users will be working in a kitchen and will be using basic kitchen utensils.

5.What has to be left to the machine? What to the user? The stove will be the only appliance that will be used. It will be used for cooking the food the proper way. All other aspects will be done by the user by hand.